Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Goal: Superfitness

What is Superfitness?

I've been giving this a lot of thought today, probably because I just started the blog and realize that people may wonder what it means. I made this word up about a month ago and for some reason have been using it ever since. It just seems to perfectly describe my goal - where I want to be.

To be clear, Superfitness isn't hulkingly muscular or ironman-fit.

Optimum physical fitness is defined as "the condition resulting from a lifestyle that leads to the development of an optimal level of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and acheivement and maintenance of an ideal body weight."

Superfitness is all of the above but includes what I think is an extremely important component: Strength from within.

How many times did our mind convince us we couldn't finish that set?  It's like a little button that when pressed, it doesn't matter how much we hate those bicep curls or sit-ups, we WILL do them and we will feel so much stronger, inside and out.

Yes I want to be lean, toned, and have a high level of cardiovascular conditioning.

But so far throughout this process I've felt an inner-power unfold, the attitude that:

I can and will reach my goals, 
I will give my all in that next set
I will be resilient during the food cravings
My inner strength will aid my physical strength

And I will achieve Superfitness.

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