Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My workout today

Circuit 1: 3 sets
Stability Ball Chest Press
Assisted Pull-ups
Seated Shoulder press

Circuit 2: 3 sets
Seated Cable Rows
Cable Flys
Lateral Raises

Followed by 15 mins on the stairclimber.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Efficient Workout

What's your reason for not exercising?

As a trainer, I hear a couple of the same excuses over and over again. One of the most popular reasons is lack of time. Take the business executive who sees 12-hour days in the office, then drives home to do more work. Or the mother of 3 who spends most of her day coordinating the schedules of her kids. These people find it hard to commit to what they think must be at least an hour in the gym. However, what many people don't realize is that you CAN fit some exercise in, no excuses, by introducing Circuit Training to your program.

We're talking about a combination of high-intensity cardio and resistance training with minimal rest time and maximal results. In the gym, an example of circuit training would be going through a series of different machines, one after the other and resting at the end of one round (or not). Or, you can do a variety of bodyweighted exercises, cardio drills, and weight training to keep the heart rate high and your muscles burning.

An example would be:
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 squats
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 push-ups
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 sit-ups

Just one round of that sounds challenging, right? By minimizing the rest time and adding variety to your workout, you are maximing your calorie burn...PLUS saving time! It's why so many fitness experts recommend it - we're all about efficiency and less about monotony. And an added bonus - circuit training keeps the calorie burn high throughout the day.

So the next time you're looking at the clock, wondering whether you can burn some calories in 30 minutes...think Circuit.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My workout

Friday - Upper Body

3 sets
20 Kettlebell swings 15lbs
15 Kettlebell single arm stork rows 15 lbs

3 sets
15 incline chest press 10 lbs on the bar
15 dumbbell chest flys 10 lbs

3 sets of shoulder/bicep/tricep (I changed the exercise each set)

3 sets
20 incline leg raise
20 plank pushes
30 s side plank

Saturday - Legs

3 sets
15 single leg squats 8lbs
25 walking lunges 8 lbs

3 sets
15 close-stance decline leg press 45 lbs
15 plie squats 30 lbs

3 sets
15 deadlifts 30 lbs
15 seated hamstring curls 60 lbs

3 sets
15 seated abductors 100 lbs
15 seated addcutors 100 lbs

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Get Your Stretch On

Okay, I'll just say it. I'm addicted to stretching. And any of my clients will tell you that I absolutely harp on the importance of stretching. "How are your workouts? Are you stretching?" And I gotta tell ya, most people I talk to either don't stretch or don't spend nearly enough time doing it.

What is the point?
  • improves flexibility and range of motion around the joints
  • aids in increasing muscle relaxation - ever tried stretching when you're stressed out??
  • enhances circulation of blood to the muscles - bringing nutrients to the muscle and disposing waste byproducts 
  • improves balance and speed of certain movements
  • can reduce injury in certain activities
  • improves posture
I'm sure there are a few more benefits that can be added to this list - but I'd say even this should be a good indication that implementing a stretching program is essential.

Ever had a tight, sore lower back? I often do, especially as a sciatica sufferer and someone who is on my feet most of the day. When I was first getting my lower back issues dealt with, I was told by my athletic therapists that my hamstrings were extremely tight. Albeit they were strong, but the muscles were very short. I spent so little time lengthening those muscles that it contributed to the stress in my lower back. Now you can bet I spend a lot of time stretching all my muscles, including my hamstrings.

However, there is definitely an appropriate time to get stretching. You may have heard from many people that holding stretches before exercises can cause injury. Certain stretches certainly can - this is because stretching 'cold' muscles can increase the risk of accidentally pulling a muscle. It is when there is increased blood flow to the muscles and they are 'warmer' that you can achieve maximum gains from holding stretches.

So, simply put, warm up and stretch your muscles pre-exercise with light, active movements that will decrease tissue stiffness and get the blood flow going. Post exercise, grab a mat and spend at least 30 seconds holding each stretch. Do what I do, and treat it as the reward to an awesome workout and you will look forward to it! :)

Has inflexibility ever hindered your athletic performance? How does stretching help you in day-to-day movements?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back on Track

Alright, I'll be the very first to admit that this weekend consisted of MUCH indulging. I'm a football fiend (not quite fanatic) and also had the opportunity to 'unwind' with a good girlfriend. Two occassions that brought on a lot of not-so-clean eating practises.

I knew last night that I had to get back on track  - so today I'm pre-making brown rice, veggies, hard-boiled eggs, chicken...and also gonna buy some more whey protein. This is all typical stuff that I do at the beginning of the helps keep me focused and motivated.

And I'm SUPER excited to start training again!!! I went in for a light workout today:

3 sets of assisted pull-ups, dumbbell presses, and walking lunges, followed by some light cardio. I kept the weight and intensity light. This is SO challenging for me, it's funny how keeping the workout easy is more challenging than completing a very difficult workout. Anyway, I felt good being back at the gym. I'm gonna keep it light for a few more days before getting back in to a solid routine.

PS - do you know what tumeric is? I cook it in my brown rice all the time! It's considered a 'super food'...I guess it's more of a super spice - with a ton of amazing health benefits. Check out this link to read more about it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What's shaking?

Hope you're all doing well!

I haven't trained in a while as I have been trying to recover from being sick. When I say 'a while' I mean almost 2 weeks! I'm itching to train again but I gotta let my body try to mend. I was stubborn at first and kept training...then wondered why I wasn't feeling any better. Needless to say, I reallllly miss working out. I miss the pumped feeling in my muscles and the energy I get from it. And the neurotic part of me feels flabby. Don't you hate that? I finally got some antibiotics, and once I'm through them, I hope to get back on track.

In other news, I got a new job!! I'm still training but now I'm also working on the other end of the fitness industry, as part of an awesome health club called Youfit. I'm currently training to support the general manager, and hope to continue growing professionally from there. At first, I was pretty nervous about making the transition...change is scary. But my heart was telling me to go for it....and so far, I love it!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Studies show that over 50% of people drop out in the first 6 months of their training program. For various reasons, people have a difficult time being consistent or staying committed. So how do we stay motivated to follow through our exercise program? Here are some valuable tools to help keep you on track:

1. Keep reminders everywhere! We may use post-its for phone numbers or task-lists…but how about reminding yourself of your goals and cheering yourself on? Notes like “10 days to go – you can do this!” or “keep clean eating for those abs!” will keep your goals top-of-mind. Cut out a picture of a goal outfit and tape it next to your closet. Stick words of encouragement on your bathroom mirror. Totally, utterly, inundate your area with words to help you keep going. Update them every week for added motivation.

2. Record how your work out and eating went each day. Even if you have a negative experience, write it down but be sure to mention something positive as well. Then, reflect on a goal for the next day.

3. Share your goal with close friends or loved ones….better yet, tag-team with someone with similar goals! Find someone who can give you a little extra motivation and also help you through your journey. If they know what your goals are, they can help stave off temptations at the restaurant. They can work out with you at the gym. You can gush or vent about the day. Surrounding ourselves with a positive, supportive people will surely affect our ability to stay committed.

4. What’s a bump in the road? If we ‘slip up’ during on our way to our goal, does this mean that it’s all over and there’s no point continuing towards your goal? Absolutely not! If you missed a work out or indulged in a not-so-clean meal, acknowledge it as something that is not part of your plan and then pick yourself back up and KEEP GOING! Go back to that journal, write down your feelings, and then make another commitment to yourself to make better choices or work out twice as hard.

5. Give me a shout! As a trainer and avid exerciser, not only have I offered a much-needed pep-talk, I've had to utilize many of these tools to keep me going. Talking to someone with experience is a great reminder that you're not the only one going through the motions.

Try any of these to help keep you motivated…and if you have any ideas to share, please submit them below!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Plank Ups and Tricep Push-Ups

My latest exercise clips! I apologize for the frightening still frames at the beginning lol