Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Get Your Stretch On

Okay, I'll just say it. I'm addicted to stretching. And any of my clients will tell you that I absolutely harp on the importance of stretching. "How are your workouts? Are you stretching?" And I gotta tell ya, most people I talk to either don't stretch or don't spend nearly enough time doing it.

What is the point?
  • improves flexibility and range of motion around the joints
  • aids in increasing muscle relaxation - ever tried stretching when you're stressed out??
  • enhances circulation of blood to the muscles - bringing nutrients to the muscle and disposing waste byproducts 
  • improves balance and speed of certain movements
  • can reduce injury in certain activities
  • improves posture
I'm sure there are a few more benefits that can be added to this list - but I'd say even this should be a good indication that implementing a stretching program is essential.

Ever had a tight, sore lower back? I often do, especially as a sciatica sufferer and someone who is on my feet most of the day. When I was first getting my lower back issues dealt with, I was told by my athletic therapists that my hamstrings were extremely tight. Albeit they were strong, but the muscles were very short. I spent so little time lengthening those muscles that it contributed to the stress in my lower back. Now you can bet I spend a lot of time stretching all my muscles, including my hamstrings.

However, there is definitely an appropriate time to get stretching. You may have heard from many people that holding stretches before exercises can cause injury. Certain stretches certainly can - this is because stretching 'cold' muscles can increase the risk of accidentally pulling a muscle. It is when there is increased blood flow to the muscles and they are 'warmer' that you can achieve maximum gains from holding stretches.

So, simply put, warm up and stretch your muscles pre-exercise with light, active movements that will decrease tissue stiffness and get the blood flow going. Post exercise, grab a mat and spend at least 30 seconds holding each stretch. Do what I do, and treat it as the reward to an awesome workout and you will look forward to it! :)

Has inflexibility ever hindered your athletic performance? How does stretching help you in day-to-day movements?

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