Sunday, December 26, 2010

On To My Next Mission

Well, if you have and idea of where 2010 has gone, let me know! I can't believe 2011 is already upon us. I've had an incredible year that saw so much personal and professional growth - I've met so many wonderful people and am thrilled have helped them tap into their deeper potential to achieve healthier, happier lives...and of course fitter, stronger bodies!
On that note, I'd like to share with you my new journey into 2011. As I continue to grow with YouFit Health Clubs, I will be transitioning away from much of my personal training projects. As of January 1st, I will be de-activating my personal training Facebook page. That said, I will continue to share my thoughts/workouts/insights on this blog - I plan on re-vamping it (yet again!) so that it can fully encompass total health and wellness.
I realize many of you have been incredibly committed to the daily fitness missions I have posted on Facebook. I would be happy to post workout ideas on my blog once a week, if you are interested. Please let me know. Further, I will always be happy to answer any fitness-related questions you may have- simply email me at or add me to your Facebook

Also, I encourage you to join my friend Rebecca Ingham's personal training page - she offers a ton of great knowledge about health and fitness!

THANK YOU for sharing your passion for health and fitness with me! I am excited and honored to be a part of your journey. I know you will continue to make yourself a priority and make healthier choices in life. And if you need a kick in the butt...give me a shout!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Trimming the Fat this Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving, we are going down to South Florida to visit the in-laws. I'm really looking forward to seeing them...I've missed the family and have felt itchy to escape town for a minute. I, like everyone else, am already excited about eating some delicious turkey and his yummy side-friends!

I'm all about indulging once in a while and I do think occasions such as Thanksgiving are acceptable times to 'cheat'. But there's that fine line between savoring and devouring and I know I'll be aware of it. I definitely plan on avoiding the gluttony that runs rampant every Thanksgiving! Will you? Here's a game plan to help trim the fat from our Thanksgiving meal.

1. Choose the protein, the veg, then the carbs, in that order. This should be easy for me because I'm always hungry for protein. However, is green bean casserole really considered a veg with all that creamy mushroom soup and dehydrated onions? Go for the roasted veggies and salad first. I hear my mom-in-law is gonna make a sweet potato casserole (without the marshmallows), so that will be a healthy, delicious carb option.

2. Savor the flavour. With reasonable portions, I'll make a point of savoring each bite rather than shoveling through to the next round. Remember, it can take 20 minutes for your stomach to register being full but only 5 minutes to finish your plate. Then you're on to the next. And then you have two servings of dessert before the 20 minutes is up. By then, you're wishing you wore sweatpants and feeling ready to bust open. I'm definitely gonna avoid that feeling and take my time, enjoying conversation with my family instead.

3.  Hide the plate when you're done. The longer you hang on to it, the more tempted you'll be to get another scoop of mashed potatoes. Either put your napkin on top, or leave it in the kitchen.

4. Walk it off. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to put your shoes on and leave for a half an hour, just keep moving. Mingle or throw on the Wii and play a game with your family. Make it easier for your food to digest!

5. Remember, it's not just about the food! Thanksgiving is about family, friends, and of course, being Thankful for what we have. Enjoy the moment and remember everything you are thankful for. I'm thankful for being healthy, having people whom I love, my amazing job, and living in safety and freedom...amongst so many other things. This will be my reminder when I start to get lost in my plate! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

PS - This game plan can also be applied to the rest of your holiday feasts!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today's workout

This was tough!! I've switched from high-reps/low weight to higher weight/lower reps for a shock to the system. It definitely is a shock lol.


-Incline chest press 3x12
- Dumbbell flys 3x12

- Seated chest press 3x10
- Cable flys 3x12

- Inside grip seated chest press 3x10
- Dumbbell pullover 3x10

- Tricep dips 3x12
- Overhead cable extension (with rope) 3x12

- Single Arm cross-chest extention 3x10
- Rope press down 3x10

Arms were jello by the time I got to triceps...but overall it was an awesome workout!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Workouts yesterday and today

Cranked up the weight!!!

Yesterday - LEGS


- Squat to shoulder press 12x3
- Weighted walking lunge 15x3

- Plie to upright 12x3
- Weighted side lunge 12x3

- Close-stance leg press 12x3
- Leg extension 10x3

- Deadlift 12x3
- Hamstring curls 12x3
- Weighted kickbacks 10x3

Today - BACK/BIS


- Assisted pull-ups 10x3
- Seated cable rows 10x3

- Reverse-grip lat pulldowns 10x3
- Low cable rows 10x3

- Single-arm high-back cable rows 12x3
- Bent over reverse flys 10x3

- Bar curl 10x3
- Hammer curl 10x3

- Concentrated curl 10x3
- Outercurl 10x3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday's workout


Compound sets
- Lat pulldown 3x15
- Dumbbell press 3x15

- Seated cable row 2x15, 1x10
- Incline dumbbell flys 2x15, 1x10

- Assisted chin-ups 3x10
- Bosu push-ups 3x15

- Standing side-bends 3x15
- Standing twists 3x15

Tuesday's workout

Yesterday - LEGS
This was the first time in a couple weeks I trained legs - trying to rest them as much as possible while I go to Chiro. So I took it easy...and barely walking today!

- Basic squats, 15 lbs, 3 sets of 15
- Walking lunges, 5 lbs, 3 sets of 30 steps

- Leg extension machine, 55 lbs, 3 sets of 15
- Plie squats, 25 lbs, 3 sets of 15

- Deadlift, 30 lbs, 3 sets of 15
- Abductors, 100lbs, 3 sets of 15
- Adductors, 100 lbs, 3 sets of 15

Thursday, November 4, 2010

6 am Workout

3 sets/15 reps
  • assisted pull-ups
  • seated cable row
  • single-arm cable pull-down
  • reverse-grip low bar row

  • back extension with 10lb plate, 3 sets 12 reps
  • cable wood-chop 3 sets, 12 reps 
3 sets/15 reps
  • bent-over reverse dumbbell flys
  • low-cable deltoid raises
  • bar curl 3 sets 15 reps
  • alternating hammer curl 3 sets  10 reps

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November: Stopping Diabetes Over the Holidays

Just in time for the Holidays....November is National Diabetes Month and I'm glad the awareness is spreading during a time when many people put their health on the back-burner while enjoying the holidays. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Thanksgiving and Christmas...but gone are the days when I celebrate weeks in advance with cookies, chocolate, and eggnog on a daily basis. It can be tempting - but the statistics (and my job) provide me with enough education and motivation to focus on being healthy and saving the indulging for the actual holidates.

Did you know that 51% of the annual weight gain across the U.S. occurs during the 6 week holiday season? Let's think about the significance of that statistic - if you gain 5 lbs in a year, half of that is gained in just a month and half!

Or, say you worked hard to lose 8 lbs over the last few months, you could be potentially sabotaging your hard work by entitling yourself to 'letting go' over the holidays....and then you become one of the several people who feel guilty in January and make all sorts of weight-loss resolutions.

Now for the link to Type 2 Diabetes. Along with genetics, lifestyle factors largely affect a person's risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and a healthy weight can help manage or even prevent Type 2 Diabetes. The statistics for diabetes also give incentive to keep it clean:
  • every 20 seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes
  • over 24 millions children and adults are living with diabetes
  • 57 million have prediabetes and are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes
  • 1 out of every 3 children will face a future with diabetes if current trends continue
  • since 1987, the death toll from diabetes has climbed 45%
  • it doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • the leading cause of blindness, amputation and kidney disease
I'm hoping I can help motivate and inspire people to keep their health a priority over the next couple of months. I am going to continue being active and eating well and I hope you join me in this challenge! I'll save my treats for the actual holidays themselves and work on healthier versions of holiday recipes in the mean time.

If you'd like to learn more about American Diabetes Month, visit Check out your local listings for community events to support the cause.

I'll also be posting tips and tricks on keeping it clean over the holidays on my Facebook page. Feel free to share your wisdom too!

Today's workout

Split in two:

- 45 minutes of cardio

- 200 push-ups

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scaring Away Temping Treats

I'm not embarrased to admit that I've been excited about Halloween for weeks...maybe months. I always am - I love the costumes, the creepy decorations, trick-or-treaters....EVERYTHING! Yes, that includes the candy. But would you believe that I haven't had a single bite of Halloween treats leading up to Halloween? Not a small Snickers, candy corn, or a tiny rocket. I'm shocked with myself - how have I been able to resist??? Well, it helps that I haven't purchased any Halloween treats in advance, I'm a big believer in keeping goodies out of the house to help scare away cravings.

But what's Halloween without a few treats, right? I'm gonna choose a few of my all time favorites to have this weekend and I'm so looking forward to it! Until then, I'm gonna continue exercising and eating clean!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Did I Just Get Beat Up??

Cause it sure feels like someone did a number on my body....I am TENDER today, following my chiropractor appointment yesterday! It half feels like I got my butt kicked and also that I had an intense workout - so I'm not in pain, just super tender. I'm thinking it's a good sign...or so I hope!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I've had acupuncture, athletic therapy, massage therapy, physiotherapy...and have tried to keep the Chiropractor off that list. I dunno why, I guess I've just heard so many horror stories that I've wanted to avoid having someone cracking up my spine.

However, my sciatica has been an issue for a solid 2 weeks now. My piriformis is so wound up - I have to ice it every night and deal with the aching all day long. I've stretched it to death but it hasn't I finally got a referral from a client to a chiropractor she really likes. She assured me the Dr is organic and not sketchy at all - as in, she doesn't want you to visit her 4 times a week so that she can get paid.

I saw her today and it was a trip! I'm always amazed to learn about other professions - and no doubt about it these chiropractors know stuff that I definitely don't. After some tests that involved pulling, pushing, and rotating certain limbs, she confirmed that my sciatica isn't stemming from a lower-back issue. My massage therapist also mentioned this before so it was good to get a second, expert opinion. It is, infact, my pesky pirifomis muscle which has gotten so tight that it has pulled things out of alignment and really affected my sciatic nerve. It is so wound up that all stretching in the world will not help it until everything is aligned again.

So she first used ultrasound which was the most comfortable part. Then, she pushed and pulled some parts until we heard a crack which definitely made me less relaxed then she wanted me to be. She kept saying "relaaax, let it go..." until I finally eased up and she could do her thing. I think the most nerve-wrecking manipulation she did was to my neck. I have this irrational, silly fear of breaking my neck (don't judge me!) so hearing my neck pop was a bit scary. But I did trust her and I did feel so much looser after the appointment. I will go back in a week to see how it progresses. Thank goodness for my husband's healthcare plan!

I really hope this works. All I can really do is be positive. I will jog again one day!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nourishing the Heart

 "The key to healthy eating is learning how to change your state of mind." - Ronna Kabatznick

I borrowed "The Zen of Eating" from the library about two months ago and have FINALLY finished reading it! It's not a difficult or tedious read at all....I just couldn't find a consistent time to really hanker down and get reading. This morning, I was not only able to sleep in, but I finished the rest of the book and felt the immense satisfaction I experience after reading something good.

"The Zen of Eating" is a non-fiction piece examining our relationship to food, our relationship to ourselves, and how to satiate our emotional appetities from within. I've learned only recently that emotional eating is more common than we may think. Fixation, or even disgust, in eating is voiced every day. The writer, Ronna Kabatznick, takes a Zen approach in identifying our cravings and desires and discusses how to find freedom from the eating issues that results from them, whether it be over-eating or restriction. It teaches you how to be more mindful of these desires and to understand everything really is always changing. That happiness and comfort is not actually found in food. On the flipside, we learn how restriction also feeds desire so much power. Finally, we understand that there is a middle way, and the book explains how.
Kabatznick does this by sharing a ton of stories about all sorts of people - their struggles with food, their identities with food, their belief systems, health status, etc, as well as a few 'tales' that are meant to illustrate a strong message. I think that the diversity of these stories would make it easy for any reader to relate to, whether you believe you struggle with emotional eating or not.

I found this book to be thought-provoking and mind-opening. I already am aware of certain Zen principles discussed in the book which made it easy for me to relate to. However, this book is NOT specifically for Zen Buddhists, or any religion for that fact, Kabatznick at one point covers beliefs regarding food in various religions. It's just interesting and has made me more aware of my own eating habits, and those of my clients.

Here's an example of a small learning from the book:

1. When my mind strongly desires a particular food, the power is in that food rather than in me.

2. By being mindful, I am realizing this strong desire and accepting that it is there.

3. By accepting the desire, it is easier for me to let it go.

This by no means is an easy feat, nor is it something I hardly think should be strictly applied to every situation in life. I do think that it's effective when we can't think of anything else but that food. For example, ever get so hungry that ALL you can think about is cheesy garlic bread?

Let me know your thoughts on emotional eating....and if you've had the chance to read the book, I'd love to know what you thoughts!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My workout today

Circuit 1: 3 sets
Stability Ball Chest Press
Assisted Pull-ups
Seated Shoulder press

Circuit 2: 3 sets
Seated Cable Rows
Cable Flys
Lateral Raises

Followed by 15 mins on the stairclimber.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Efficient Workout

What's your reason for not exercising?

As a trainer, I hear a couple of the same excuses over and over again. One of the most popular reasons is lack of time. Take the business executive who sees 12-hour days in the office, then drives home to do more work. Or the mother of 3 who spends most of her day coordinating the schedules of her kids. These people find it hard to commit to what they think must be at least an hour in the gym. However, what many people don't realize is that you CAN fit some exercise in, no excuses, by introducing Circuit Training to your program.

We're talking about a combination of high-intensity cardio and resistance training with minimal rest time and maximal results. In the gym, an example of circuit training would be going through a series of different machines, one after the other and resting at the end of one round (or not). Or, you can do a variety of bodyweighted exercises, cardio drills, and weight training to keep the heart rate high and your muscles burning.

An example would be:
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 squats
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 push-ups
  • run 20 yards
  • do 20 sit-ups

Just one round of that sounds challenging, right? By minimizing the rest time and adding variety to your workout, you are maximing your calorie burn...PLUS saving time! It's why so many fitness experts recommend it - we're all about efficiency and less about monotony. And an added bonus - circuit training keeps the calorie burn high throughout the day.

So the next time you're looking at the clock, wondering whether you can burn some calories in 30 minutes...think Circuit.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My workout

Friday - Upper Body

3 sets
20 Kettlebell swings 15lbs
15 Kettlebell single arm stork rows 15 lbs

3 sets
15 incline chest press 10 lbs on the bar
15 dumbbell chest flys 10 lbs

3 sets of shoulder/bicep/tricep (I changed the exercise each set)

3 sets
20 incline leg raise
20 plank pushes
30 s side plank

Saturday - Legs

3 sets
15 single leg squats 8lbs
25 walking lunges 8 lbs

3 sets
15 close-stance decline leg press 45 lbs
15 plie squats 30 lbs

3 sets
15 deadlifts 30 lbs
15 seated hamstring curls 60 lbs

3 sets
15 seated abductors 100 lbs
15 seated addcutors 100 lbs

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Get Your Stretch On

Okay, I'll just say it. I'm addicted to stretching. And any of my clients will tell you that I absolutely harp on the importance of stretching. "How are your workouts? Are you stretching?" And I gotta tell ya, most people I talk to either don't stretch or don't spend nearly enough time doing it.

What is the point?
  • improves flexibility and range of motion around the joints
  • aids in increasing muscle relaxation - ever tried stretching when you're stressed out??
  • enhances circulation of blood to the muscles - bringing nutrients to the muscle and disposing waste byproducts 
  • improves balance and speed of certain movements
  • can reduce injury in certain activities
  • improves posture
I'm sure there are a few more benefits that can be added to this list - but I'd say even this should be a good indication that implementing a stretching program is essential.

Ever had a tight, sore lower back? I often do, especially as a sciatica sufferer and someone who is on my feet most of the day. When I was first getting my lower back issues dealt with, I was told by my athletic therapists that my hamstrings were extremely tight. Albeit they were strong, but the muscles were very short. I spent so little time lengthening those muscles that it contributed to the stress in my lower back. Now you can bet I spend a lot of time stretching all my muscles, including my hamstrings.

However, there is definitely an appropriate time to get stretching. You may have heard from many people that holding stretches before exercises can cause injury. Certain stretches certainly can - this is because stretching 'cold' muscles can increase the risk of accidentally pulling a muscle. It is when there is increased blood flow to the muscles and they are 'warmer' that you can achieve maximum gains from holding stretches.

So, simply put, warm up and stretch your muscles pre-exercise with light, active movements that will decrease tissue stiffness and get the blood flow going. Post exercise, grab a mat and spend at least 30 seconds holding each stretch. Do what I do, and treat it as the reward to an awesome workout and you will look forward to it! :)

Has inflexibility ever hindered your athletic performance? How does stretching help you in day-to-day movements?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back on Track

Alright, I'll be the very first to admit that this weekend consisted of MUCH indulging. I'm a football fiend (not quite fanatic) and also had the opportunity to 'unwind' with a good girlfriend. Two occassions that brought on a lot of not-so-clean eating practises.

I knew last night that I had to get back on track  - so today I'm pre-making brown rice, veggies, hard-boiled eggs, chicken...and also gonna buy some more whey protein. This is all typical stuff that I do at the beginning of the helps keep me focused and motivated.

And I'm SUPER excited to start training again!!! I went in for a light workout today:

3 sets of assisted pull-ups, dumbbell presses, and walking lunges, followed by some light cardio. I kept the weight and intensity light. This is SO challenging for me, it's funny how keeping the workout easy is more challenging than completing a very difficult workout. Anyway, I felt good being back at the gym. I'm gonna keep it light for a few more days before getting back in to a solid routine.

PS - do you know what tumeric is? I cook it in my brown rice all the time! It's considered a 'super food'...I guess it's more of a super spice - with a ton of amazing health benefits. Check out this link to read more about it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What's shaking?

Hope you're all doing well!

I haven't trained in a while as I have been trying to recover from being sick. When I say 'a while' I mean almost 2 weeks! I'm itching to train again but I gotta let my body try to mend. I was stubborn at first and kept training...then wondered why I wasn't feeling any better. Needless to say, I reallllly miss working out. I miss the pumped feeling in my muscles and the energy I get from it. And the neurotic part of me feels flabby. Don't you hate that? I finally got some antibiotics, and once I'm through them, I hope to get back on track.

In other news, I got a new job!! I'm still training but now I'm also working on the other end of the fitness industry, as part of an awesome health club called Youfit. I'm currently training to support the general manager, and hope to continue growing professionally from there. At first, I was pretty nervous about making the transition...change is scary. But my heart was telling me to go for it....and so far, I love it!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Studies show that over 50% of people drop out in the first 6 months of their training program. For various reasons, people have a difficult time being consistent or staying committed. So how do we stay motivated to follow through our exercise program? Here are some valuable tools to help keep you on track:

1. Keep reminders everywhere! We may use post-its for phone numbers or task-lists…but how about reminding yourself of your goals and cheering yourself on? Notes like “10 days to go – you can do this!” or “keep clean eating for those abs!” will keep your goals top-of-mind. Cut out a picture of a goal outfit and tape it next to your closet. Stick words of encouragement on your bathroom mirror. Totally, utterly, inundate your area with words to help you keep going. Update them every week for added motivation.

2. Record how your work out and eating went each day. Even if you have a negative experience, write it down but be sure to mention something positive as well. Then, reflect on a goal for the next day.

3. Share your goal with close friends or loved ones….better yet, tag-team with someone with similar goals! Find someone who can give you a little extra motivation and also help you through your journey. If they know what your goals are, they can help stave off temptations at the restaurant. They can work out with you at the gym. You can gush or vent about the day. Surrounding ourselves with a positive, supportive people will surely affect our ability to stay committed.

4. What’s a bump in the road? If we ‘slip up’ during on our way to our goal, does this mean that it’s all over and there’s no point continuing towards your goal? Absolutely not! If you missed a work out or indulged in a not-so-clean meal, acknowledge it as something that is not part of your plan and then pick yourself back up and KEEP GOING! Go back to that journal, write down your feelings, and then make another commitment to yourself to make better choices or work out twice as hard.

5. Give me a shout! As a trainer and avid exerciser, not only have I offered a much-needed pep-talk, I've had to utilize many of these tools to keep me going. Talking to someone with experience is a great reminder that you're not the only one going through the motions.

Try any of these to help keep you motivated…and if you have any ideas to share, please submit them below!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Plank Ups and Tricep Push-Ups

My latest exercise clips! I apologize for the frightening still frames at the beginning lol

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Goodies in the Mail

I'm excited about receiving my new GymBoss Interval Timer! I do a lot of interval training not only with my clients but my own workouts too. With this little gadget, you can select the time for two intervals and set the number of rounds too. It will work perfectly for Tabata intervals, Crossfit, Circuit training, and Cardio intevals. Now I won't have to constantly look at my watch and reset the timer!

I also got my favorite women's fitness magazine, Muscle and Fitness Hers. It's a little more geared towards someone who is already familiar with exercise and lifting and I absolutely love it. The women are so inspiring the articles are always interesting. Plus the recipes are great!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beating the Heat

Summers are HOT in Florida. And by hot, I mean temperatures easily hitting 100 degrees and the humidity index shooting through the roof. Walking from your house to your car is no fun. Imagine exercising in this heat! Regardless of where you live, if the weather is hot, you gotta take extra steps to ensure you can safely exercise outdoors.

When you're exercising in the heat, you may be at risk for different types of heat illnesses - mainly caused by dehydration. Sweating is the best way to regulate internal body temperature the more you sweat, the more water you need.

The American Council on Exercise established the following guidelines for fluid consumption in the heat:
  • Drink 17-20 ounces of fluid 2 hours before exercise
  • Drink at least 7-10 ounces every 10-20 minutes during exercise. Make sure it's cool water so it can empty rapidly from the stomach in to the intestines where it can be absorbed
  • Post workout, drink another 16-24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost whether you're thirsty or not
Remember, if it's humid out, it may be difficult for your sweat to evaporate. This doesn't mean you don't need water! Here are a few extra tips to keep the body cool:
  • Wear lightweight clothing that will allow the evaporation of sweat. Most exercise clothing brands have developed a 'dry-wick' fabric to facilitate this...or stick with 100% cotton
  • Choose light-colored clothing to reflect the heat better
  • A light-coloured hat will keep the head from absorbing extra heat. I know that if I don't wear a hat, I get a headache a lot quicker in the sun
  • Avoid training in peak temperatures
I, myself, am not yet acclimatized to the heat down here. So I'm the one driving in my car with the AC blasted while I see 'crazy' people going for their run at 3 in the afternoon. If you don't normally train in the heat, then your body needs time to acclimatize to the change in environment. So it's not a wise idea to do your normal 3 mile run on your first day in the heat. To help your body get used to the temperatures, carefully monitor the length and intesity of your workout. Start off easier and work your way up over 1-2 weeks.

Kudos to you and continuining your training through the summer!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Food Cravings - who doesn't have 'em?

I sure do. And it'll hit me randomly, even after eating the healthiest meal. I'll eat a great salad but want to 'finish it off' with some ice cream. Urgh. But when we are eating clean, it’s so important to master these urges and find healthier ways to ‘indulge’. Here are a few of my tricks:


Not to be limited to just after a meal, we get these cravings when we’re stressed, when we want to celebrate…yes, pretty much any time of the day. Instead of eating processed sugars, try these options:
- Frozen Fruit: eat a few frozen chunks of mango, strawberry, or bananas and it will feel like you are cheating! It really is not much different from sorbetto…plus there are no added sugars and you are getting your serving of fruit!

- Protein Shakes: get a high quality protein and make a delicious smoothie out of it: just add some ice, berries, cinnamon, and a splash of light soy milk for a creamy, ‘sweet’ concoction.

- Greek Yogurt and Berries: Greek yogurt is more dense than regular yogurt and will fill you up. Add the berries for all their great nutritional qualities and an added sweetness!

- Unsweetened Apple Sauce: sprinkle on some cinnamon for a healthy treat!


I'm really disciplined on my sodium intake, and I hope you are too. However, sometimes we just want something salty…but instead of opening that bag of potato chips, try these options:
- Hummus and Pita Chips: try making the hummus yourself to eliminate any processed ingredients.

- Salsa: add it to your egg-white breakfast wrap, fajitas, or brown rice bowls for extra flavor. Or have some with organic blue corn chips – but watch your portions!

- Unsalted Nuts: a little handful of almonds, walnuts, and cashews will help – they may be unsalted but somehow they do the trick!

- Smart Balance Popcorn: or any organic kind – just watch your portions!

- Parmesan Cheese: sprinkle the low fat kind on your salad for an added ‘salty’ taste


“The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook” by Tosca Reno has a whole ‘dessert’ section with recipes for clean-eating treats. Or, do what I do and browse on the web for healthy recipes posted by other clean-eaters. You will be amazed to see how many people blog about their favorite healthy dessert recipes!


At least when it comes to cravings! It’s important to realize that most of our cravings are nothing more than what our mind tells us they are. If we are battling an urge, even after trying a healthy alternative:

- get some fresh air! Go for a walk, taking deep breaths in and out to calm our minds down and enjoy nature

- drink lots of water

- socialize with a good friend or loved one

- write your feelings down in your food journal


An exciting part about maintaining a clean-eating lifestyle, is that you can indulge in a ‘cheat’ meal once a week. Not only will you be able to satisfy your food cravings, you are giving your body a little extra energy for your workouts the following week. For those of you who are just starting a clean-eating diet, you may need a cheat meal twice a week. But once you are on track, you will feel satisfied with one a week! Just remember to set a 1-hour time limit – no buffet benders!

Hope this info helps. I know sometimes it's hard to get chocolate off the brain...just keep your goals in mind…once you start feeling your body getting leaner and stronger, you will be that much more motivated to keep eating clean!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Exciting Road Ahead

Life has been a whirlwind over the past couple of weeks. I'm now stepping in to a new chapter of my life and want you to be a part of it.
Stay tuned - and involved - as I build an exciting, engaging community where people who share a common goal of living a healthy, active lifestyle can interact.

Thanks for your continued support! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

I need to get a camera

A lot of the cool blogs are filled with pictures...mine must be BORING! lol. Really though...I know I gotta get a camera - my current one is taking a bunch of blurry shots and it's so old that I might as well just buy a new one.

Anyway, my weekend was great - Brian finally had a couple days off after working 20 days in a row...and what did we do? Train at the gym! haha...yes, it's actually a way we spend time together. We don't train together often but it's nice when we get a chance. Our training styles are very different but we are such great motivators for each other. He does lower reps, heavy weight with a decent amount of rest, whereas I knock out twice the sets with very minimal rest and high reps. The reason we do this is because Brian is already very lean and is trying to build and maintain muscle whereas I need to fit in cardio whenever I can to help lean me out. So by keeping my heart rate up during my strength training, I can burn more calories. Does that make sense?

Right now I'm really motivated to rev up my cardio, which is miraculous cause I am not a fan of cardio. I'd much rather strength train but at this point, my body can afford to do just a couple days of strength training a week. My body type builds muscle very what's happening is I keep building but not leaning out. This is where the cardio comes in...I gotta suck it up and get it done!

Just wanna give a shout out to my friend Lesley back home...she's been tearing up the roads with some huge cycling races lately and I'm so proud of her! :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Swim Continues

Hi Everyone! How are things?

Just wanted to update you on my swimming progress:

Not Michael Phelps yet but I am MUCH better than I was before. Luckily, I'm a very dedicated person and always play Brian's instructions (in my head), stroke for stroke. My breathing is better than ever before...but I gotta ask, HOW do you keep water from going up your nose and choking you?? AH, I always feel like such a putz when I end up in a coughing fit from snorting water. The burning!

So the nose breathing is one weakness...the other one would be my kicking. I usually kick my feet at the edge of the pool for a while to practise...but as soon as I start swimming, they both kind of sink. Also, I tend to curve to the left! As you can tell, this is all a total learning experience for me...but I'm determined. I swam 20 very baby laps, did 3 sets of pushups and 3 sets of tricep dips off the edge of the pool . The tricep dips were brutally hard today...I was hopeful it was because I got a good arm workout from the swim itself?

Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying your current workout routine! Anything new you wanna try?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Facing Fears in the Deep End

So, I'm not a great swimmer. I never have been. I had a few lessons when I was a kid, but it was never something that my parents made a priority...and that combined with my wild imagination of the deep ocean (maybe Jaws had something to do with it), I have experienced a lot of anxiety and panic in deep water.

That's a pretty big confession right? I'm a personal trainer and a fitness fanatic and I can't swim to save my life (but I CAN float!). Well, let me clarify: I can backstroke, do a little treading, and enough flailing of arms and legs to get me across the pool. But do I like my head under water? No. Do I spaz out if I lose control in the water? Heck yes.

With my pesky sciatica issues, I should be swimming. It's totally low impact and you burn a crapload of calories. And with my sciatica flare-ups being a more frequent visitor as of late, I decided to face my fear and become a more confident swimmer. I'm gonna practise as often as I can - covering all the basics, and most of all, attempt to LOVE being completely submerged under water. I know this will be a process and that's why I picked this as my summer project.

The first time I re-visited the pool in a long time was with Brian just last week. Something about him being there enabled my weaker side - I grabbed for him a lot and felt panicked and wanted him to save me (he used to be a lifeguard and might as well be a mer-man). While he was super supportive and taught me a lot about technique, I knew I had to remove my crutch and really let go.

So I've been to the pool by myself a few times since then...practising a lot of treading water, kicking feet..all while small children are canonballing in the deep end. Despite my frusterations with the slow process I know I need to do it. Overcoming this fear would be momumental to me. I wanna feel confident and free...and also want to feel I have a new athletic practise.

Keep you posted!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Crossfit revisited

So lately my workout regimin has been really dynamic - as in, I've been doing a whole mash of different things every day. I've really liked cross-training as it has kept my body guessing. I've also been using it as an opportunity to learn new exercises to add to my program designing for clients. Definitely a win-win situation.

A few days ago I decided I was gonna bear down and really get my pull-ups into gear. I do jumping pull-ups because normal ones are just so freakin' hard...unfortunately most women aren't gifted with a lot of natural upper body strength so pull-ups don't come easy. But as I've been on a bender of challenging myself in different ways, I decided pull-ups would be my next big project. First, I have to train my back and bis to get used to the motion of the pull-up.

The workout I decided to use to jump into them is Crossfit.

Crossfit is an incredibly challenging, high intensity workout program used in many military units, police academies, athletics, etc....but can be scaled down for anyone. One of the main challenges is time: doing a X number of sets or reps in an X amount of time. Or simply doing one set of one to several exercises for a ridiculously high number of reps. Ex: 100 burpees. Every day, the website posts a new WOD (workout of the day). If you're not up to some of the crazy workouts they plan, You can view past WODs and decide which ones you can handle or scale down.

Yesterday I did:
10 squats
10 pull-ups
10 pushups

for as many rounds as I can in 20 minutes. Turns out I actually made a mistake and it was supposed to be 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats but I think what I did was just as challenging.
It was the first time I have done Crossfit in over a year, and I recall my last number workout to end up in 16 rounds. I was curious to see how I fared to the last time I did it, considering my huge improvement in strength and fitness.

I did jumping pull-ups which are still challenging to me. The workout was nothing short of insane, and even though I had my timer on, I was glancing at my watch to see when I was finished the torchure. Your heart rate raises FAST and after about 6 minutes I felt spent. But I pushed through...

I ended up doing 18 rounds. I had cramps. my chest was screaming, and my body was very warm. But the adrendaline rush is incredible. You hate your life while you're doing it, but you feel like a beast afterward. A weak beast, but I use that as motivation to get better.
Today my shoulders and back are tender so I think that's a good thing. I just gotta keep practising so that I can look as badass as those Crossfit girls!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Working with the Pain

In my last blog entry, I talked about how the Biggest Loser Marathon pumped me up so much that I attempted to run the next day. The reason why I am saying "attempt" to run is because I've been struggling with a lower disc bulge and messy hip muscles, both gifting me with Sciatica.

Sciatica halted my running with muscle spasms in my calf, tingling in my feet, and an aggravating soreness in my hip. With the aid of an athletic therapist and trainer, I tirelessly worked on strengthening my core, hips and hamstrings to better stabilize my stride.

But even now when I try to run, the sciatica runs with me until I have to stop, feeling completely defeated.

I tried doing short jogging intervals, walking for a couple of minutes, jogging for 1 minute. Even the minute of jogging built up that irritation. I tried 30 seconds instead. STILL.

After watching the Biggest Loser Marathon, I was in awe of the contestants fighting through the pain and discomfort that comes from not only carrying that much more body weight but running for miles and miles and miles. They would talk about how sore their knees or ankles were but then say they wanted to reach their goal (being a friggen MARATHON!) so badly that they just kept moving. They would walk for a bit then get back in to a jog. They worked with the pain, not against it.

So the day after, I decided I was going to give running another shot, but take the babiest step I could imagine so that I could reach my goal of getting through the trail without the intense sciatic irritation. My jogging intervals were gonna be 10 seconds. I know, sounds pathetic. My Boot Campers run for much longer than that. But I couldn't let my Ego get the best of me - I needed to set a reasonable interval so that the irritation didn't build up before I went back to my power-walking.

10 seconds fly. I paid attention to my form and tried not to let thoughts of sciatica enter my brain. After I finished the first interval, I made a point of celebrating this small victory. Sure, it was only 10 seconds of jogging, but I made it through without feeling pain. That small celebration lifted my positivity and I was good to go the rest of the way (just over 3 miles). Continuing with 10 second intervals, making sure I didn't get so gung ho that I went longer.

Towards the last few intervals, that discomfort in my foot arose, then my calf, then my hip. But instead of getting scared about it holding me back, I took deep breaths and reminded myself I only have a few seconds left. I tried my best to just accept the pain and allow my strength and determination push through. And it worked! I finished my trail and even though my total run time was so short, I felt victorious for saying that I actually ran. I felt strong, limber, and ecstatic. I will attempt this interval circuit a few times, while continuing my core stabilization exercises, and see how it impacts my gradual increase in interval times. I'll definitely keep you posted!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finding Inspiration

It's been a while since I've written a blog. I would come to my page at least once a day thinking that a topic would just appear, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But I would stare at my page, wondering what I could write to entice, inform, entertain...anything that will make a  (and myself) satisfied . Nothing.

Then I watched this week's episode of The Biggest Loser.

The season is nearing an end and this week the remaining contestants ran a marathon. Know how many miles that is? 26.2. Know how many months they all have been losing weight until running this marathon? SIX. Yes, in just six months, these morbidly obese, out of shape, and very unhappy people worked their asses off every day to not only lose weight, but become so much healthier, from the inside out. Doesn't 6 months sound like a painfully minute amount of time to prepare for a marathon? I mean, people train year-round to get to that point, many of them in better shape than these contestants. And here they are, still carrying a lot of weight, running up and down hills for 26.2 miles.

 A pic of the cast at the beginning of the season - just six months later, 4 of them ran a marathon.

As I watched the footage of their run (while mentally blocking out the cheesy music and dramatic shots), I couldn't help but get PSYCHED for the contestants. I was also in awe because I am not the runner I once was due to a nagging injury. But as I watched the BLers run/walk through knee pain and calf strains, inspiration just washed over me. They were able to mentally fight through any physical discomfort to just finish what would be one of the biggest feats of their lives. They were able to find the inspiration and motivation to go all the way. How can you not feel inspired by this?

The Final Four before their big race. Daris (left) destroyed the previous BL Marathon Record with a time of 4:02.

You know, inspiration can come from many things...I was having a hard time thinking about a blog topic and this episode started a chain reaction of creativity. The next morning, I attempted to run, which further motivated me, which inspired me to think of several blog topics (breaking my drought), which made me think about all other ways in which I can become a better trainer, which made me excited about life in general.

Just like negativity can start a downward spiral of destructive actions, thoughts, inspiring moment can breed positivity, breeding motivation, breeding not a downward spiral but an exciting climb up to the top.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lunge Update

As promised, here's the update from my walking lunge workout with Julie:

250 walking lunges...and then tacked on 3 sets of dips after that.

My booty is feeling it a little today...I love those walking lunges!

 Today it's 45 mins of Cardio, plus Yoga, plus training my lower abs. My back is feeling super tight from those body rows the other day so I'm definitely in need of some good stretching.

This evening, I'm going to my first Meditation class here in Florida - I participated in these classes back home and absolutely loved them. I truly believe in the benefits of meditation and think that it not only helps my workouts, but my job as a trainer and my day-to-day life.

Tomorrow, Julie and I are off to the Royal Racquet Club for a Breast Cancer Fundraiser called "Rally for the Cure". We'll be supporting the cause as well as promoting our fantastic programs! Can't wait to demo the TRX for everyone!

Have a fabulous weekend! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

WorkOut Week in Review

A lot of people ask me who my trainer is - just as I ask my hairdresser who does their hair or who massages my massage therapist. I let them know that once in a while Julie and I will train together, but for the most part I have to be really discplined and push myself - which can be difficult! There's no doubt that a personal trainer will push you beyond a capacity that you have set for yourself, mainly because we don't think we're strong/fast enough or we're just a little scared to go give that extra effort. To push myself, I'll do something I haven't done in a while (or ever) and I'll either set a goal number of sets/reps, or do as many reps until failure. And if I have a difficult time reaching the goal number of reps, this is where the little beast inside of me just gets up and pushes through because I don't want to leave anything 'unfinished'.

This week I gave myself 10 sets of chest and back and did as many reps each set until failure:

Tuesday - Chest:
10 sets of decline push-ups, with toes on a Bosu Ball.
 I did 145 in total - then finished up with 3 sets of overhead tricep extensions. I was shaking afterward!
This was super challenging as my feet were on an unstable platform and my core was working extra hard.

Wednesday - Back:
10 sets of Body rows, 100 in total.
Followed by 3 sets of  compounded bi curls/hammer curls.
I'm working on strengthening my back big-time....these are definitely more difficult for me..and my muscles are definitely feeling them today!

Thursday - Legs:
Walking lunges until the cows come home. I'm doing some cardio intervals this morning and then walking lunges with Julie this evening. We are weird and absolutely love walking lunges. I'll let you know how many we end up doing!

What do you do to push yourself through your workouts?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finally, a Healthy Muffin Recipe

Of all things that may be a hindrance to my clean-eating efforts, one of the biggest would be the delicious muffin. Most of you should know by now that muffins aren't exactly good for you - butter, oil, lots of sugar...and if you don't make them yourself, don't be suprised to find a few unneccessary processed ingredients to ensure their lifespan. Sadly, bran and morning glory muffins usually fit in this unfit category.


during one of my frequent online quests for 'healthy' treats, I found this recipe for a healthy muffin on Fatty Fights Back. Protein, whole wheat flour, and pumpkin are the key ingredients here...and mine turned out yummy after the first try - that's how easy they are to make. If you haven't clicked on the link already, here's the recipe with my own modifications (as indicated with **):

Basic Recipe
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup protein powder (any flavor - chocolate & vanilla work well or something that goes with the type of muffin you are making such as banana for the banana nut version)
1/3 cup sucanat**
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie mix, pure pumpkin)

2 mashed bananas
2/3 cup chopped pecans
1/3 cup chopped semi-sweet chocolate**
1/3 cup ground flax seed**

In large mixing bowl, mix dry ingredients. Make sure protein powder is mixed thoroughly. Add in wet ingredients and stir until the mixture is completely moistened. Batter may be lumpy.

Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray.**

Fill full sized muffin cups to 2/3,
Bake until a toothpick comes out clean. Around 20-25 min. for full sized muffins.

I'm telling you, these taste delicious, my husband and friend loved them too!

Big Thanks to MacMadame, the genius behind the blog Fatty Fights Back, for finding a way to indulge in muffins without the extra crap!

Give it a try and let me know what you think! :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not about exercise But...

I LOVE this story! I read this months ago and still think about it!

The businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."

The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, señor?" The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions." "Millions, señor? Then what?" The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

- Anonymous


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food Revolution!

Okay - so I love watching cooking shows and I can tell you about an impressive number of 'celebrity chefs'. One of my personal faves is Jamie Oliver - a 'young' sweetie from the UK who pretty much just cooks out of his garden in his back yard. He is adamant about using natural ingredients and puts processed foods on his bad list. He has found one of the unhealthiest towns in the US with a mission to start a  Food Revolution - by bringing awareness about healthy eating - starting with children and the food they eat at school.

You gotta watch it - airs on Friday night but you can catch an hour preview here.

Go Jamie Oliver!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Well, I'm back on a normal training routine and have decided to change it up a bit - it's always good to switch up your routine after about 4 avoid plateaus and give your muscles a chance to learn something new. I can go in to more detail in another blog.

So today was Chest day - my routine typically consists of 4-5 exercises, 3 sets of 20 reps each. I keep the reps high to train my muscular endurance. Also, I build muscle in my upper body rather quickly so I stay away from heavier weights.

So today instead of my typical routine, I decided to do a modified "pyramid" routine - I just did full push-ups, starting at 20, then doing 19, then 18, then 17...all the way down to 1, with a little bit of rest between each set. This adds up to 210 push ups! Talk about training muscular endurance. By the 5th set - 16 push ups - you already feel the fatigue set in. A full pyramid routine would have you going all the way back up to 20 - I didn't think this was necessary to do on my first go at it. I highly recommend you try it!

I followed this by a power walk around the beautiful lake nearby. During this time, I thought about how life is so different from how it was a few years ago. For St Patty's Day, I would have made plans at least a week in advance...these plans would no doubt consist of drinking copious amounts of alcohol with my friends and eating all sorts of deliciously fried food along with it. But today, I trained clients, did 210 pushups, and went for a 45 minute walk outside! Tonight, I plan on grilling turkey burgers and watching "Where the Wild Things Are" with my hubby. Sure, we may have a green drink to complement this (I AM human after all!), but the binging days are over! I am celebrating in ways that make me feel good now and will make me feel better tomorrow.

Whatever your plans are, be safe and at least try your best to eat clean! :)

PS - I'd like to wish my dear friend Tamara a very Happy Birthday today! She is celebrating in Mexico, that lucky gal. She deserves the very best!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Sweet Finish Line

Sunday. The day after my photo shoot and I couldn't feel any better.

The day went spectacular -

- Brian drove me to MAC to get my make up done. By this point I still haven't eaten or drank a drop, but getting my make up done was a perfect distraction. I went from baggy-eyed and pale to FIERCE! Let me tell you - fake eyelashes are the way to go. You think mascara helps bring a little life to those eyes? Put on some mile-long lashes and you will think you're ready for the cover for Vogue. Or in my case, Oxygen Magazine! :D

- After MAC, Brian drove me to Julie's place. I weighed in - and lost a whopping 10 lbs!!! I could hardly believe it...but at the same time I know I worked really hard and practiced a ton of discipline, so I felt really good to see that concrete result. My measurements are an even better indication - I've definitely lost inches...including in my shoulders - which is one of my most stubborn areas.

- Julie and I drove to Walsingham Park and started the shoot. We went to the adult playground - not of the x-rated kind! - where we train some of our clients. It was pretty windy out but the sun was shining which is all I could have asked for. I ate a rice cake to fill my muscles out, mustered up some strength to do some push ups, squats, and other exercises to get a good muscle pump, and the camera starts flashing. Julie is a great director and because of all her own photo-shoot experience, she gave me some really good tips on posing and smiling. It was interesting, you just kind of forget about hunger/thirst due to all the excitement. I'm sure the wind kept me awake too.

- We then drove to the beach...I started to get tired at this point, probably because of sitting in the car for a few minutes. But once we got shooting, I got my second (third?18th?) wind and knocked out a ton more shots. People were watching us as they walked by and I felt kinda special! Julie really kept me inspired and motivated and we finished quickly.

- When we finally sat back inside the car, I got to have my first sip of water. Wow. Even though it hadn't even been 12 hours since I had water, it felt like it had been ages. By 3:30pm we were sitting inside of Guppies - a cute restaurant on the beach. My first encounter with real food in almost 3 weeks! And heck yes I had a drink - a mojito to be exact. Julie and I have a lot to celebrate - and I definitely felt deserving of a delicious meal and beverage. I enjoyed every bite! I definitely felt full for the rest of the day though, and didn't feel so hot in the evening. My body got so used to eating very small meals of mainly just protein and some feels like my stomach shrunk to the size of a pea. Now, it will be a gradual introduction of more balanced meals with appropriate portions - which I think is okay! I definitely wouldn't want to go from a strict meal plan to full-on binging...I just want to re-introduce the clean-eating lifestyle with more food options than I have had in the past couple of weeks!

It's super hard to believe that it's all over but I know the hard work truly paid off.....I am still beaming from the incredible experience of the photo-shoot, and really proud of the pictures that we took! The photos turned out much better than I fact, in a lot of them I can hardly believe that woman is me. It's almost a surreal experience looking at those pictures...I would daydream about looking and feeling good enough to be a fitness model and would even talk to Brian about it. It was always a 'dream'. And yesterday I actually felt like one. Brian and I just kept going through the pictures...and I couldn't help but just shake my head and

That fit, radiant, and confident woman is Nazmina.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is it Saturday Yet?

So today is Wednesday which means I have 3 more days 'till the shoot! I started the diuretic yesterday - it's an extreme method NOT RECOMMENDED for every day use, or anyone who is looking to lose weight. This is solely for my photo shoot - and I really wanna make clear that it's not a normal weight loss fix!! :)

My body is definitely changing - my true shape and muscle definition is finally surfacing. I finished my last intense workout today - 6 sets of 20 step-ups on each leg, followed by 20 minutes on the stepper, followed by another 10 minute cool-down on the treadmill. It's very hard mustering up the energy for a high intensity workout on such little fuel....but I think that knowing that photo shoot is near has really given me the extra motivation I need in the gym.

My brain is getting more scrambled by the day - my sentences are getting jumbled and I have a hard time focusing. Brian has been extremely patient - and I'm so glad he's been around to help me!

I anticipate on tomorrow being the toughest day for me as I am training 4 clients back-to-back first thing in the morning - I am just going to take it one client at a time and really embrace the challenge! Not to mention, get to sleep by 9pm. ;)