Monday, October 18, 2010

I've had acupuncture, athletic therapy, massage therapy, physiotherapy...and have tried to keep the Chiropractor off that list. I dunno why, I guess I've just heard so many horror stories that I've wanted to avoid having someone cracking up my spine.

However, my sciatica has been an issue for a solid 2 weeks now. My piriformis is so wound up - I have to ice it every night and deal with the aching all day long. I've stretched it to death but it hasn't I finally got a referral from a client to a chiropractor she really likes. She assured me the Dr is organic and not sketchy at all - as in, she doesn't want you to visit her 4 times a week so that she can get paid.

I saw her today and it was a trip! I'm always amazed to learn about other professions - and no doubt about it these chiropractors know stuff that I definitely don't. After some tests that involved pulling, pushing, and rotating certain limbs, she confirmed that my sciatica isn't stemming from a lower-back issue. My massage therapist also mentioned this before so it was good to get a second, expert opinion. It is, infact, my pesky pirifomis muscle which has gotten so tight that it has pulled things out of alignment and really affected my sciatic nerve. It is so wound up that all stretching in the world will not help it until everything is aligned again.

So she first used ultrasound which was the most comfortable part. Then, she pushed and pulled some parts until we heard a crack which definitely made me less relaxed then she wanted me to be. She kept saying "relaaax, let it go..." until I finally eased up and she could do her thing. I think the most nerve-wrecking manipulation she did was to my neck. I have this irrational, silly fear of breaking my neck (don't judge me!) so hearing my neck pop was a bit scary. But I did trust her and I did feel so much looser after the appointment. I will go back in a week to see how it progresses. Thank goodness for my husband's healthcare plan!

I really hope this works. All I can really do is be positive. I will jog again one day!!

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