Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Holiday Eating Update

First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 

Alright - so I've been back since Monday - gone for 5 days. In all, I have to say I did worse than I thought I would!!! I packed some pre-cooked portions of chicken and veggies and also my protein powder - which I consumed, but it felt like that was the extent of my 'clean' eating. It was like, as soon as we walked into my mother-in-law's door, the indulging began!

 And as I mentioned in my last post, Ma is generally a healthy eater and is usually mindful of my healthy eating but this time she was in full-blown holiday-eating mode and there wasn't a fruit or veggie sight. My gosh it was all just staring at me in the face and I truly do love chocolate and wine. So I indulged here and there (my sugar, carb, and cheese intake went up!)..but tried to keep my portions small and protein and water up. I walked every morning and did yoga - just as I planned and made sure I had a healthy breakfast.

Overall, I'd say my eating was about half-and-half and I came home slightly worried about the 'damage' it may have done. However, I knew that I was going to get back on track.

I hit the gym the day after I returned and my workout was amazing! My body felt strong and full of energy. It felt like a few days of rest and eating helped nourish my body and potentially avoid a training plateau.
And if you really think about it, people spend much more than 3 days indulging over the holidays - from Thanksgiving to Christmas! Although I have to hold myself accountable to the treats I consume, I feel good about resisting temptations all season and continuining my walks while visiting the family!

How did your holiday eating go?

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