Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seasons' Eatings

As I get ready to visit the inlaws in South Florida for 5 days, I can't help but think about how it's going to impact my current diet and training regimen!!

I have been eating extra clean for the few days prior to leaving and I'm already trying to plan how I can eat clean while on holidays. I know that a little cheating is inevitable - after all, we don't see the family often and I'd like to be able to enjoy a meal or two of momma's cooking! Fortunately, she does know that I've always liked to eat healthy so I know that she will respect that I want to keep it that way as much as possible. Here are a few things I'm planning:

- I'm going to take some protein powder and just make sure I'm having small, clean meals every few hours to ensure I don't get too hungry and start grabbing fist fulls of chocolate.
- I'm going to try to go on my morning walk every day and I'm bringing my Yoga DVD so that I can do yoga after my walk. I figure this 'rest' from weight training will be a great opportunity to stretch and relax those muscles I've been working so hard on at the gym.
- When I do eat with the family, I'll make sure I load up on the veggies and really watch my portions for everything else. Especially the stuff with lots of butter and salt.
- And I'm definitely going to make sure I drink a TON of water!!

I'm glad Brian will be there as he will probably will give me a lot of support and hold me accountable to my food choices. I obviously don't want to obsess over what I'm eating, but I want to be mindful of what I do eat because I've worked so hard to feel this good and it would be a shame to be weighed down by a holiday eating bender!

Most of all, it's a really good time to remember that eating isn't the only way to enjoy the holidays. It's about spending time with people I care about.

I'll be sure to update you when I return...wish me luck!! :)

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